WinGDB is an extension for Visual Studio IDE allowing to debug processes on remote machines running Linux (or other Unix systems), using native Visual Studio debugging user interface.
* An Add-In for the Visual Studio IDE providing integration with the VS debugger interface.
* Remote connection to The Target machine over SSH.
* Support for the GDB debugger as a backend (support for other debuggers is planned for the future).
* The "Attach to process" dialog extension allowing attaching to remote processes with GDB. The process can be selected using the standard Visual Studio process list.
* The "Launch process" command, allowing to launch remote processes inside GDB. The program to debug can be selected using a remote file system browser. Also the working directory, arguments, additional environment variables and additional source directories can be specified.
* The "Examine core dump" command, allowing to examine core dump inside GDB. The executable path and core dump to examine can be selected using a remote file system browser. Also the additional source directories can be specified.
* Remote source code browsing in the Visual Studio editor. The files are fetched as needed using SCP protocol and cached over a session.
* Remote edition of the source code in the Visual Studio editor. Edited file is automatically sent back to the target machine after saving it.
* Basic debugger commands: Run, Step over/into/out, Break All, Continue, Run to cursor, Set Next Statement.
MinGW support - you can debug native Windows applications, as well as remote targets (e.g. embedded systems) using MinGW GDB.
* Support for gdb 'target' command both for MinGW and "GDB via SSH" cases.
* Remote build - run build (e.g. make) on remote machine. Output is redirected to the Console and Task List windows in Visual Studio. Double-clicing on error or Warning shows related place in the code.